Inbetween Days Photography

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Es Verger, Alaro, Palma de Mallorcaaaaa.

I wasn't keen on this particular little hike as I woke up with a bit of a wine headache from the night before (it only takes two glasses, believe me). I found the strength deep within and after a couple of paracetamols I legged it up the hill to see the stunning views of the island, and I am so glad we did. 

When we got back down the other side of the mountain there was a gorgeous little family run restaurant, Es Verger, serving frosty cold cañas. It was certainly a challenge to order something vegetarian in a restaurant serving mostly shoulders of slow cooked lamb, but Croquettas de Espinaca came to the rescue as usual. I even came home with a bottle of home made Vino Tinto for the hair of the dog.